Could Your Drier Conduit Be A Fire Risk?

If it has been years since the last time you got the drier conduits cleaned, then you could have a major fire threat in your house. Sem’s Duct Cleaning wants you to be safe and get to know the risks involved, and what you can do to ensure the safety of the family. It is estimated that over five thousand house fires that occur per year are as a result of clothes dryers and vents that are not properly washed out and taken care of. Once you fail to clean the conduits correctly, the air will not be able to go in and out of the dryer which results to the buildup of gasses inside it, which can then cause a fire.
It can be difficult to know if the conduits need to be cleaned sometimes. For that reason, Thistledown air duct cleaning has a list of things to look out for to be able to tell.
The dryer is not operating well
The first major tell that your drier conduits are blocked is that the drier takes longer to carry out its job. If you find that you need more than one cycle to get all the laundry dry, it means that heat and moisture are being stopped from exhausting the way it is supposed to. Take a look through the pipes and hire an expert to come and clean the vents as soon as they can be available.
Fusty odor
The second way to know that you need to do something about the vents is when you start noticing bad smells on the clothes after they are dried. Also, if they feel hotter than usual after leaving the machine, then there could be an issue, and the pipes could be obstructed, that forcing the machine to work on overdrive, or not properly at all.
Signs of grime and dirt outside the dryer vents
Lastly, if the flap of the dryer vent seems to be stuck, and there is debris gathered outside the conduits, then there could be an issue. This is an indication that the vents need to be cleaned since operating the machine while there’s still all that filth around could be hazardous.
Accordion-style vent hose
Some driers come fitted with accordion-style conduit hoses as opposed to metal ones. These types of hoses can easily catch fire. To prevent this from happening, change the piping to metal ones to keep you safe and reduce the risk of a fire breakout.
If you find that the above applies to your drier, and are worried about how to make sure your family is safe, then the best thing is to get in touch with professionals who will come and have a look. Most of these issues can be dealt with by having the vents cleaned and maintained often. Always get proficient people to do it, to make sure that the issue is properly deal with.
We recommend you to read “Getting Your Vents Cleaned For The Holidays” and “How To Prevent Allergies “.